Saturday, May 31, 2008

Riding to Brooklyn with a Rolled Up Rug (Friday, 5-30-08)

Grumble, Grumble.

This guy was hauling a rolled up rug as well a crate of some other stuff. He was kind of dressed liek a mover so mayb ehe was starting his own biz but didnt quite have truck money yet.

Dueling headphone wires.

Friday, May 30, 2008

Friday Morning (5-30-08)

High St.
Whatever she was reading musta been ill to create such a disagreeable expression...

He asked to see drawing as we were getting off the train at GC40deuce, not sure if he was excited about how he was portrayed.

5 Train Thursday Evening (5-29-08)

...with bike seat in the foreground.

This kid with an impressive fro got on at Union Sq or BK Bridge and made himself busy entertaining a young lady friend....

..moving down the car and rocking the shades.

Thursday, May 29, 2008

Thursday Morning, 4 Train (5-29-08)

Out to Alphabet City for the Evening (Thursday, 5-28-08)

Hedging my bets in the tunnel between the Manhattan bound 2/3 and 4 trains...

3 won ny business.

Crosstown on the L to 1st ave...

Westward Route Home (Wednesday, 5-28-08)

Quick ride on GC40Deuce - Times Sq. shuttle.

Tourist with strange reverse combover.

Dude with nice suede jacket on the 2 standing in front of...

...a rather Rubenesque blond woman.

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Wednesday Morning, 5 Train (5-28-08)


I saw this guy on the street a few minutes after exiting the train. I had an urge to show him the drawing, but he just passed on by.

Babies, Metal Dudes Reading and Another PSP Victim (Tuesday, 5-27-08)

Baby was by door at first and tehn her dad (on right) found seat and they moved over, she was a cutie who seemed in good spirits after spending the afternoon at work with her pops.

Couldn't see band name as his hair was covering, but I bet it was a bitchin' European tour.

She was glued to that PSP, made my life easier.

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Back from 4 Day Weekend, Bummer (Tuesday, 5-27-08)

No one looked to excited to be going back, although

the misery face is usually what people like to wear on the train, protects against airborne viruses.

Riding Around Town with My Man Griff (Sunday, 5-25-08)

Waiting for F at Bergen and riding to 7th Ave.

Elderly gentleman on the way to 7th Ave.

Tourists surround cool lady on 2 back from Eastern Parkway.

Friday, May 23, 2008

Murakami and Back (Thursday, 5-22-08)

Got out of work early and headed out to check the Murakami exhibit at BKLN museum..
Lotsa tired folks taking midday siestas....

My man was col' sprawled out...
There was a dude on my car who I think had Turrets as he was repeating everything that came over the PA. We had to switch trains at BK Bridge and he disappeared on the platform.

Switched to 3 at Nevins, this guy was eyeing the noisy teenagers at other end of car disapprovingly.

2 back from Eastern Parkway.

This guy was still sleeping when I got off at Clark St.

Thursday, May 22, 2008

More Standing Sleeping and Other Stuff (Thursday, 5-22-08)

Catching Zeees on the A.

Some folks on the 4.

More Curly Hair Fun.

Thursday is Mohawk Day on the 6! (5-21-08)

Rode uptown after work to met some folks, caught this kid playing with a PDA on the way up...

A Repeat Customer! (Wednesday, 5-21-08)

This guy was getting ill with his yellow hilighter on the paper he was holding.

This woman had very distinctive glasses and even though her hair was done much differently, I instantly recognized her and had to catch a quick sketch before jumping off at GC40Deuce. The first drawing of her was from a May 16th entry, the second drawing.

Homeward Bound (Tuesday, 5-20-08)

Platform got pretty jammed up by the time the 5 arrived, everyone was keeping there head down as if the weight of the crowd was bearing down on itself.

Someone had the courage to look up, although he just seemed to be staring off into space...

Fun hair but a very severe reading expression.

Another shot of fun-hair-severe-reading expression in the foreground. Woman behind with green coat seemed to offset her tension with a very rounded, relaxed presence.

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Blue Tuesday (5-20-08)

I couldn't hear this guy through my blasting iPod, but he appeared to have a constant flow of curmudgeony comments about everyone who passed by.

Trying to stay composed and comfortable squashed between the trees.

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Monday PM Rush (5-19-08)

Few minutes between trains at GC40Deuce so it got a little cozy on the platform.

She had a little fuzzy puppy she was tending too...

Another straphanger with a some sleep standing skills.