Sunday, June 29, 2008

Friday (6-27-08)

2 was uncharacteristically crowded and dind't get a good perch until we reached Manhattan, so I only managed 1 rushed sketch. I realized later that this woman lived in my hood - saw her on the promenade Friday evening. Weird when that happens, I feel like I should go say whatsup as if I know them.

Couldn't have done a worse job capturing her essence. What can I say, the local trains are toughcan't get in as much of a grove as the express...

The downtown Houston 1 station is usually kinda dead, so I'm starting to doodle what interesting structures I can find.

This was pretty grey, even the color that was obviously there was reading greyscale to me.

And I don't think I've seen many garments bluer than this woman's dress, if I had a swatch of taht fabric I would have glued it over as collage.

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