Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Woman in Powder Blue on the R Train (Thursday, 6-17-10)

1 Train from South Ferry (Wednesday, 6-16-10)

At Chambers street it all fell apart.

C to the F (Friday, 6-11-10)

With a C train just rolled in to the upper level of West 4th I decided to be lazy (it being friday afternoon) and hop it so I didn't have to walk the stairs and
rode to Jay street where I did the easy switch to the
F to 4th ave. This guy seemed a promising subject but fidgeted a lot and kept giving me unsettling looks, causing a nervous squiggly mass of a sketch.

Big Bouncy A Train to Canal Street (Friday, 6-11-10)

I used to ride the A train from High Street often back when I lived in BK Heights. I kinda miss the crowded energy and its high speeds which cause all sorts of bouncing up and down - adds a certain character to the drawing.

Connected to the A at Hoyt Schermerhorn from this much lower key G headed to Queens.

Friday, June 18, 2010

The Long Ride Home (Thursday 6-10-10)

Productive ride drawing wise on the 1 and R back to Brooklyn.

On the 1 to South Ferry from Houston.

Quickie of platform browsers at Whitehall/South Ferry waiting on the R train.

A couple of fleeting subjects on the slow rolling R to Union street.

My solid subject for the rest of that ride fading between levels of consciousness, wood paneling makes for evening sleepiness.

Woman in Red Sweater on the R Train (Wednesday, 6-9-10)

Somewhat unfairly weathered out by me, sorry lady but it was an evening I was feeling ragged myself, had to drag this ne out of me. Crazy eyes were somewhat a result of her shifting poses.

Man with Turban on the F with a Little Kramer Sneaking In (Wednesday, 6-9-10)

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Shades and Beard on the 1 Train (Thursday, 6-10-10)

Beard with a little bit of wildness, a little rude boy with something brewing slightly under surface as it seemed to me.

Friday, June 11, 2010

Fat Conan and Woman with Purple Sweater Union street bound (Tuesday, 6-8-10)

1 Train.
He was reminiscent of a heavy set Conan O'B rien although a bit paler in the hair. His big brown andwhite jacket with the red stripe seemed to go on forever. I liked it though, it was fun- like color by numbers on the R back to BK.

Tuesday Morning (6-8-10)

Head down in book, could still notice the annoyance at the guy to her left sitting way to close and reading his paper in her direction on a half empty train. No matter as it got cozy on that 3 pretty quick.

Stocky older dude with streaked blacked silver and all slicked back and looking lie some sorta wiseguy. 'Cept he was reading AM New York or 1 of those free papers, if he was connected i'd a figured a daily news, or maybe a post....

Muggy Morning From Prospect Ave. (Tuesday, 6-1-10)

Dropped the car at the mechanic after long weekend working about oxygen sensors and related things. Doodled a sign at Prospect Ave. for a minute til the R rolled in.

On the R.

Funny juxtaposition of tiny kid next to big woman (no relation).

Thursday, June 10, 2010

On the 2 Train from Grand Army Plaza (Tuesday, 5-25-10)

Composite of coming and going commuters riding to Chambers street. Many jump off at Nevins, Borough Hall and when you hit downtown.

She jetted quickly. Twas a shame, was having fun with her hair.

Familiar Lady on the 1 Train (Friday, 5-21-10)

Seen her before - she reminded me less of an owl this time.

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Late February on the 1s, 2s and R

Unposted Sketches from the now distant Winter
Long braids and red umbrella on the 1 train.

Grey sweater interruption halfway through.

With a very streaky dirty blond.

One empty seat on the R.

Bronx bound 1 train passing Rector.